Saturday, January 30, 2010

Congratulations On Baby Funny Have You Heard The Chinese Baby Joke?

Have you heard the Chinese baby joke? - congratulations on baby funny

Chinese Baby Joke

A Chinese couple named Wong had a new baby.

The doctor makes a beautiful, healthy,

bouncy, definitely Caucasian white man!

"Congratulations," the doctor said new parents.

"What will you give the baby's name?

The puzzled father looks at his son again and said: ..........
"Well, two Wong's do not make a white
I think I'll call Sum Ting Wong. "

----- If someone does not share of ethnic jokes?


V2R1 said...

Ha! Ha! Ha! That was so funny ... LMAO! You deserve a star! He also appointed his wife ... Yu Hu Fa King?

sweatwom... said...

That's OK

VR4Jen said...

What is the difference between Batman and Blackman?

Batman can go into a store without Robbin.

What is the difference between blacks and winter tires?

Winter tires do not sing when exercising are chains on them.

What is the difference between pizza and the Jewish people?

The pizza does not scream when you put in the oven.

Why do not Mexicans and blacks?

Your kids are too lazy to steal.

God, so many of these jokes out there.

Julie A said...

There is a Chinese man named Harvey Schwartz.

Upon his arrival at Ellis Iceland are in the queue for the immigration process. As he nears the end of the line can hear the officials of the Immigration Department to ask people their names. The man said before he told the immigration officer named Harvey Schwartz, when he was the immigration officer his name was Sam Ting, was known as Harvey Schwartz for the rest of his life.

boingwal... said...

Hahaha so cute. I have, but you can never say they were right. Doh.

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